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For the Free Spirited

A free spirit is someone who thinks and acts in an uninhibited way without the worry of social rules and norms. Being a free spirit can come with stigma, opinions that are not welcome, as well as others who are like minded that support who you are. Those are the type of people we want to attract! People that are free in life!

How do we become free in a world full of judgment and ridicule?

Realize your purpose. Your purpose is who you are. Aim high! Lead! Release all of your inner passions and pour into them. Empower yourself. And most of all, Do not live a lie!

Embracing authenticity and being honest with yourself, shall set you free! Give up that silly need to appear perfect. What are your defining characteristics?

Being you is never something that you should regret being. Understand that when everyone go home to their own lives, you have yours. And what you do with your life, is up to you and no-one else can change that.

I became a nude implied model in 2020, and I got lots of feedback. People were able to support my new venture because people could see the free spirit in me. They loved the freedom I had inside and for many, it inspired them to do the same! Sure you have your select individuals that are not always on board but that's ok! I try to tell myself that people who are afraid of being who they truly are will ALWAYS see the negative instead of the positives. So we pay those people no mind and keep doing us!

For anyone out there that have doubts about what they really want to do in their life, I want you to get your notepad out and your favorite pen, and write down all the things you desired to do or be, but felt that others wouldn't approve of it. Write those down and think heavily on what you want for yourself. On the next page, write down the reasons why you wanted those things. Moving forward, apply those areas in your life that you always hid, but like a butterfly, wanting to spread your wings, learning how to fly and then soar freely!

Let others dictate how you move and live your life OR Do your best to be the best version of yourself, not for others, but for you. It's the ultimate gift to yourself. I promise!


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