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I Dare you to Succeed!

I dare you to be successful. Whatever that may look like to you! Succeed in everything that is important to you. It’s so easy to procrastinate and often times we become stagnant and in our own way. Clouded judgment, discouragement and negative thoughts can impair us if we let it. ASK our selves what the lesson is during our trying times. How can we elevate from there? Will destruction sustain or will we rise above our downfalls? There is a lesson to everything. An experience. And they all connect to our paths in one way or the other. Positivity truly speaks! Even when we don’t want it to. Our days of sadness and depression will end. If and when another time arises, that have you feeling these same old emotions, you can at least rest knowing that you have been here before and you got through it just fine.

The biggest battle is the battle we fight within ourselves. We fight ourselves daily. Caring about other's opinions of us. Living up to social norms. Not having the Freedom we individually desire. We doubt our steps mentally. And it always end up showing physically and emotionally. What can we do? For my fellow audience that suffer in silence like I do, you will know what I mean when I say that sometimes we just NEED to cry! We shouldn’t have to feel bad about releasing our emotions. That release is amazing! Because letting it build can come with consequences. Letting it build is hurting you and can effect your health (leads to depression and decline of health). Letting it build can one day have you releasing it on the wrong person. Let’s not be that way. Cry in a closet, the shower wherever! Just make sure that you are ok. That’s the important part.

Let’s breathe. Let’s count…

Inhale 1…..2……3…..4…..5…..6…..7…..8….9….10… now let’s count backwards

Exhale 10…9….8….7….6…5….4….3….2….1……….

How do you feel? Reading this blog and then the breathing exercise; did it improve your thoughts? Do you feel more positive? IF you answered YES to any of these questions, then I have accomplished a good thing! Stay tuned for more blogs! Don’t forget to subscribe!

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