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I’m A Self Help Addict…Maybe

“It is common for people to describe their abandonment as a kind of death. They report feeling dead, or wanting to be dead, or going through a spiritual death.”

Excerpt From

The Journey from Abandonment to Healing

Susan Anderson


The above excerpt is from a new book I'm reading. I just started reading the book and I'm already in my feelings. I honestly don't know why I do this to myself, always choosing self help books.

I guess apart of me just always wants to make sure I'm not the problem. I know loving people can be hard and I just don't want to be hard for anyone to love. Beginning a new book is always like a mystery, and I like that journey. I've been learning how our emotional wounds get exposed and how we behave. It's quite heavy.

Well, for anybody looking for a new book suggestion, there's mine. "The Journey From Abandonment to Healing" by Susan Anderson.

Also, I learned of Abandonment Recovery Workshops. I had never heard of them and if you hadn't either, you've been served! I guess that's it for now, enjoy your night.

Love Always,

-The Rnb Dreams Team

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